Monday, October 03, 2005

What it is

Back from a week off blogging. Work had me in class all week last week and was away from my computer all week and did not feel like blogging on my home computer. While in class last week I think I had a out of body experience my body was there but my mind was somewhere else the class was so boring I could barely keep my eyes open and I believe everybody in class felt the same and by the end of the week we all wanted to take are own life’s :) kidding of course. I would tell you what the class was about but then you would what to take your own lives too. But all kidding aside the class was on maintenance on Alpha server GS80/160/320 see what did I tell you your thinking about it aren’t you I could go on but I’ll not do that. I did have fun taking the server a part and putting in back together but the classroom part was no fun. But other then that it was a pretty good week :) Had my apologetics class Saturday it was better this week then before he did more then just read excerpts from old dead guys works he about bored me to tears but most of the stuff so far is a review of what I had in college, I’m starting to think this class is a little redundant. Moving on I almost cried {o} never mind I wouldn’t talk about that :) Sunday I didn’t feel so well at all I was laid up all day I had the biggest headache and nothing I took did anything for it but for no reason at all it finally went away late evening.


Jonathan said...

i wanna cry to

tank said...

Go head John you can cry on my shoulder. then again