Friday, August 25, 2006

Do You Rejoice In God's Sovereignty?

"Man's dislike at God's sovereignty arises from his suspicion of God's heart. And yet the men in our day, who deny this absolute sovereignty, are the very men who profess to rejoice in the love of God, - who speak of that love as if there were nothing else in God but love. The more I understand of the character of God, as revealed in Scripture, the more shall I see that He must be sovereign, and the more shall I rejoice from my inmost heart that He is so."

"Horatius Bonar"


pilgrim said...

Nice to see the posts again!

Great quote, and also good support for Reformed Theology--why would man come up with this on his own?

Of coyurse the best support is the Bible...

tank said...

Thanks Pilgrim!!!

I will try to post more, it just been hard lately because of work.

pilgrim said...

I'm not the most prolific either...