Monday, March 27, 2006

The Joy of the Lord is your Strength

It is an unfortunate thing for the Christian to become melancholy. If there is any man in the world that has a right to have a bright, clear face and a flashing eye, it is the man whose sins are forgiven him, and who is saved with God's salvation.

(C.H. Spurgeon)

All our joy must terminate in God; and our thoughts of God must be delightful thoughts. Observe, It is our duty and privilege to rejoice in God, and to rejoice in him always; at all times, in all conditions; even when we suffer for him, or are afflicted by him. We must not think the worse of him or of his ways for the hardships we meet with in his service. There is enough in God to furnish us with matter of joy in the worst circumstance on earth.

(Matthew Henry)

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