Thursday, February 02, 2006


It is asserted many times in Scripture, that the bodies of the saints are the temples of the Holy Ghost. God dwelleth in you: ye are the temples of God. Now, do not cut that down, and say that it means that he influences us and operates upon us. It does mean that, but it means a great deal more; it means literally this—that the Holy Ghost, the third Person of the sacred Trinity actually dwells in every regenerate man and woman, that he has made our bodies to be his shrine, and he is the indwelling Lord. 754.322

The Spirit of God doubtless illuminates the intellect and guides the judgment, but this is not the commencement nor the main part of his work. He comes chiefly to the affections, he dwells with the heart, for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and “God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts.” Now,the heart is the centre of our being, and therefore doth the Holy Ghost occupy this place of vantage. He comes into the central fortress and universal citadel of our nature, and thus takes possession of the whole. 1435.536

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